We have extensive knowledge of Finance.

Longstanding experience within UK Banks at Director and Underwriting levels gives an understanding of the risks perceived by funders and enables us to find the most appropriate funding structure for our clients.

We take an holistic approach and look to understand both the current financial picture of our clients in both a Personal and Business capacity, as well as understand their future objectives. This enables us to identify the most suitable funders that will fit in with the clients objectives.

Clients will obtain an initial free consultation. If we do not feel we can obtain the funding they need we will not engage them.

If we feel we can help them then we provide a transparent fee structure primarily linked to our success.

When acting for clients we look to establish long term relationships. Whatever the business transaction we do not view it as a single transaction but the start of a long term relationship.

Whatever the business transaction we do not view it as a single transaction but the start of a long-term relationship.

Phil Dutton

Phil Dutton
Managing Director Autograph

Phil Dutton

Phil has more than 40 years experience in banking and finance. His first 29 years were with NatWest and RBS culminating with him as Commercial Director for both brands for Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

He then set up Handelsbanken Worcester in 2010. He established with his team at the time what was an unknown brand in Herefordshire and Worcestershire to one having 4 Branches. His own branch in Worcester being one of the most successful in the bank.


Has a strong understanding and background in SME and Corporates. Has specialised in funding Commercial and Residential Property Investment and Development, Acquisitions, MBO’ and Care Facilities.


His approach will be first and foremost to understand his clients business and the individuals behind it together with their objectives. He will then look to create the optimum financial structure through exploring the market to help achieve those objectives.

Ian Williams

Ian has just under 38 years banking experience with first 26 years with NatWest and RBS followed by 12 years with Handelsbanken Worcester where, as a Corporate Account Manager, assisted in building up a client bank for a new Bank ultimately to becoming one of the strongest performing branches for Handelsbanken UK.


He has spent over 24 years as a Relationship Manager for SME and Corporate businesses giving him a very strong background in understanding businesses, the individuals involved and supporting them in the growth and success of their business. This time has also given Ian a strong understanding of the banking world. It is sometimes not easy to marry the wishes of the customer to the risk models and processes of a banking world but Ian’s strength is working with both sides and coming up with solutions that works for both and, ultimately, gets the client to where they wish to be.


Ian’s success is based on customer relationship. Proven success in building a client base and all through recommendations. Customer retention key and has resulted in building strong personal bonds with his clients.

My first consideration has always been the welfare of the customer and always will be

Ian Williams

Ian Williams
Finance Consultant